Riporto el comento d’autor de Sean Connery a£a conversasion nasiona£e verta dal goerno scosexe sul’independensa (comento n. 100 in
Like many people, I have watched with wonder at all the enthusiasm and energy generated by the SNP Government’s first 100 days.
Many of us are looking forward with great anticipation to seeing what happens over the next four years. Every step of the first 100 days has advanced Scotland’s interest, and now it is time to give Scots a chance to reflect on the progress and converse about the future of Scotland.
In a way, minority government has been a blessing because it provides the opportunity for a genuinely democratic position to evolve in Parliament.
On our nation’s future, we know where the Scottish Government and indeed I stand – Independence and equality for Scotland. Now it is time to see where the other political parties stand.
More importantly, it is time to see what the Scottish people want.
It is amazing to think back only four months ago to the front pages of some newspapers, quoting unionist politicians predicting gloom and doom if the public had the temerity to choose a new Government.
Now, if the same sensationalist charges are foisted on the public by the scaremongers, it will further point out the vacuous nature of their rhetoric. It is time we had a serious discussion about Scotland’s future.
There is a buzz around Scotland – doubly so after James McFadden’s terrific winning goal against France! Everything is moving forward now in a prudent and consistent way – step by step.
There seems to be a great sense of relief as the conditioning of the past 50 years of doubt and low expectations gives way to optimism and ambition.
The key part of this national conversation is that it is the people who will decide. There are alternatives. Donald Dewar was right – we are on a road, in a process, part of a conversation. It is time for us to embrace the conversation and move it forward.
Tueday, September 18, 2007 09:00
Sir Sean Connery
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