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Lettera del movimento “Veneti” alla tv olandese Nederland 1

 Ricevemo e volentiera pioveghemo


Dear editorial staff of Nederland 1,

in your newscast of sunday, December 16 some information was given about protests against immigration in Italy led by Lega Nord together with the news that many mayors in northern Italy have developed self made measures against immigration (deamed as racist by the italian government). While we are grateful for your unbiased information, we would like to point out some important details of the situation in Veneto, the region where these measures first appeared.

First, these measures are intended as exploitation of laws previously passed by the italian government.

Secondly, and most important, although the first mayor to applicate these “exploitation” belongs to Lega Nord and although Lega Nord is in turn trying to exploit the protest, not all people in Veneto who are against criminal immigration do automatically agree with to this party and its gross speeches held in Milan, nor are they automatically against all foreigners people: for many people it is a matter of criminal immigration, not a matter of immigration alone.

The main problem is that there is a big demand on part of the people to apply those rules which already exist in the Netherlands where you are often required to have a certain income to be allowed to open a bank account (hence you need a good job), and where you really have to register in the Gemeente and also by the police. These claims are more and more “cross party” or “non-party” claims in Veneto and not all the mayors who support this claims have automatically to do with Lega Nord as one could infer from your newscast: also some right-wing and left-wing mayors have agreed that a stop must be put to the so-called buonismo, i.e. the “beeing good (with foreigner) at any cost” although with different biases (mayor of Montegrotto right; mayor of Arzignano, left).

For this reason, democratic non-violent non-party movements are gaining more and more attention in Venete by people unease with the way parties are addressing these issues.

Best regards,
Movimento Veneti

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