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Alex Salmond: la Scozia indipendente garanzia di pace nel mondo

Alex Salmond, primo ministro di Scozia dopo aver vinto le recenti elezioni con il suo Partito Nazionale Scozzese (Scottish National Party, SNP), ha oggi messo in evidenza come la Scozia indipendente possa senz’altro giocare un ruolo decisivo per la pace nel mondo, portando uno spirito fattivo di buona volontà per la risoluzione di conflitti e per adottare strategie vincenti che possano anticiparne l’eventualità.

Noi veneti, in virtù della nostra millenaria tradizione diplomatica, ci sentiamo molto vicini a queste parole di Alex Salmond e le condividiamo appieno: anche la Venetia indipendente potrà giocare il proprio ruolo ed esercitare la propria influenza per il benessere globale e per una riappacificazione tra i Popoli, sicuramente molto meglio e molto di più di quanto non possa fare ora, come parte di uno stato multinazionale che nella propria storia non ha mai rifiutato la belligeranza anche quando le condizioni per evitare la guerra c’erano tutte.

Viva la Scozia indipendente! Viva la Venetia indipendente! Viva la pace tra i Popoli! Viva il Partito Nazionale Scozzese! Viva il Partito Nazionale Veneto!

Salmond outlines his vision of Scotland as world peacekeeper

An independent Scotland could become a global peacemaker, First Minister Alex Salmond suggested yesterday. He believes Scotland could play a significant role in international conflict resolution, building on the sense of goodwill towards the nation from around the globe.

“Real leadership is not just about winning conflict, it is about having a strategy to defuse it,” he said in the inaugural talk on Scotland in the World Forum series being organised by Aberdeen University.

“Resolution of conflict is harder, more subtle. More difficult. But it is an area where Scotland can excel. One only needs to look to the efforts of our Nordic friends in a range of such conflict situations to see the extent of what can be achieved,” he went on.

He said global citizenship was about commitment to safety and security around the world.
“For me, therefore, Scottish independence is not just an opportunity to move Scotland forward but a chance for Scotland to give something back – to meet our global responsibilities.”
In a separate launch yesterday, the government said it wanted to encourage more overseas firms to use Scotland’s legal brains. Business and legal experts meeting in Edinburgh have been asked by Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill to find ways of making Scotland “the jurisdiction of choice” for solving disputes and going to court.


Well said Alex Salmond. We need to get our seat at the UN and independent representation at the EU. We need independence not any form of devolution where Britain still runs our foreign affairs.

Scotland has potential and we now (for the first time) have a First Minister who has positive energy and believes in our country. That’s a lot better than trying to pretend we have an Empire by sooking up to the new imperialist element in the USA.

Scotland could lead by example to Wales, Cornwall, the Basque country and Catalonia by getting our independence first, we then have the potential to be a positive rational voice in the world community but we won’t get there if we are led by people who still hark back to the Empire like Prince Andrew or Gordon Brown.

We can do a lot better.

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