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Venetians stand by the Swiss

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In the past few weeks a series of deplorable attacks were directed toward the free citizens of a sovereign state.

First, the independence of Swiss banks was undermined by the concerted efforts of large nation-states. Exeedingly large countries, that cannot provide adequate liberties to its subjects, are actively trying to stifle the freedom of Swiss citizens. They are bullying the Swiss to renounce its tax heaven rather than getting rid of their own tax hell.

Second, the dictator of a North African country makes a deplorable proposal to divide Switzerland among Italy, France and Germany. Mr Gaddafi in many occasions reminded the world of the Lybian struggle against the Italian colonizers. He should not wish a similar misfortune on the Swiss.

Instead, Gaddafi should understand that there are other nations that were victims of Italian colonization. Venetians were annexed only a few decades before the Lybians, and we are still working toward our independence. Venetians are a distinct nation with its own history, language and heritage, who deserves t regain its dignity.

It is for this reason that the Venetian National Party (PNV) expresses its full solidarity toward the citizens of Switzerland. Because in a time when the Italian prime minister is the new best friend of the Lybian dictator, it must feel like North Africa just reached their alpine borders.

Venetians want the Swiss to know that this is not the case. You might be surrounded by hostile nation-states who are nostalgic of a time when their arrogance smothered individual freedom and gave Europe many wars. But the people within those borders are on your side.

We admire the freedom and wealth you earned, and we take you as a role model as we aspire to an independent state where citizens’ liberties come first.

Filipo Dal Lago

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